Kathy Baldock | 1946

Описание к видео Kathy Baldock | 1946

Kathy Baldock is an author, an LGBT+ advocate, international speaker, and an educator, and this is part two of a Village 3.0 conversation. In part one, the Village Church’s very own Mark Conklin interviewed Kathy about how a devastating life change became a beautiful life change as she discovered, not only that gay Christians exist, but that gay Christians have a lot to teach us about following Jesus with grace and love.

This is part two of that conversation, and I know you’re gonna love it. In this conversation Mark talks to Kathy about her pivotal role in the groundbreaking documentary, “1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted a Culture.”

Together with Ed Oxford, an LGBT+ theologian, Kathy embarked on a quest to uncover the origins of the anti-gay movement within the Christian church. It’s a fascinating story and an important one.

As we move into the Village 3.0 era, we want to produce and share more important conversations like the one we’re sharing today. If you appreciate work like this, we hope you will help us make more things like this by giving to support this work.



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