Omar Sivori ~ The 1st Maradona & Messi

Описание к видео Omar Sivori ~ The 1st Maradona & Messi

Watching Omar Sivori back across the 1950s ~ 1960s. Is like watching a back to the future prototype, of his future fellow Argentinians. 1980s Diego Maradona & 2010s Lionel Messi.

The same small stature of height. And the same magic wand of a left foot.
All three. Genius exponents of what Argentinians call. The Gambetta.

His ability to keep the ball so tight to his feet, while challenged by numerous opponents. Mesmerizing.
Taking seemingly; solitary touches of the ball, to dribble each opponent, in minimal spaces.

He was also one of the earliest exponent, favoring the trivela pass. And could play clever balls around the opposition.

Remarkably skilled on the right foot. Which is kind of rare with lefties.
And for his small stature. He had a great leap & heading technique.

He could also look after himself, when things got heated on the pitch. And was known for his explosive temperament.

South American Championship player of the year 1957 & Ballon d'Or winner 1961.

Definitely one of the greatest players to play the game. And a all time, top five dribbler of the ball.


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