Sheba Najmi, recognized with the HUM Women Leaders Award,

Описание к видео Sheba Najmi, recognized with the HUM Women Leaders Award,

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Sheba Najmi, recognized with the HUM Women Leaders Award, stands as a beacon of leadership and innovation in civic technology. Sheba Najmi, founder of Code for Pakistan, sparked change with Pakistan’s inaugural civic hackathon, spawning the Government Innovation Fellowship Program in KP. A former Code for America Fellow, she led Honolulu Answers, transforming cities globally. Under her guidance, Code for Pakistan developed the Pakistan Citizen’s Portal and pioneered COVID-19 dashboards. Her impact extends to deploying 70 digital solutions, benefiting 1.5 million citizens and saving 120,000 government hours. She launched the KP Women’s Civic Digital Internship Program, empowering technologists across remote regions.

Digitally Presented By Kashmir Cooking Oil

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