NF Community Camps

Описание к видео NF Community Camps

Living with a complex and relatively unknown condition can be isolating, tiring and worrisome. With symptoms impacting different parts of the body, many families must juggle regular scans, specialist appointments and surgeries.

Community camps offer kids, their siblings and families a break from the complications of NF and a chance to get back to the joy of childhood.

Coming together for a weekend of excitement, activities and adventure, our community can unwind, enjoy quality precious family time, make positive new memories and build special connections.

NF camps enable children with NF to bond with other kids in similar circumstances and play in a safe environment, free from bullying and discrimination.

These fully catered annual camps are provided free of charge to NF community members in locations around Australia.

With outdoor activities to enjoy from flying foxes and giants swings to canoeing and archery, kids can develop new skills and confidence in themselves that assist in their development.

Parents are able to connect with each other, often meeting for the first time other parents with a child with NF.

Along with learning from each others experiences, the Children's Tumour Foundation's Support Team is on site to empathise, educate and inform.

Most families leave feeling refreshed, readied with new knowledge and comforted from new friendships.

Learn more at


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