Hugos 2011 (Easter Sunday Celebration) in Loboc, Bohol, Philippines

Описание к видео Hugos 2011 (Easter Sunday Celebration) in Loboc, Bohol, Philippines

Loboc kids singing during the Hugos (salubong) easter sunday celeb. Background music by the Loboc Children's Choir. Musical accompaniment by the Loboc Youth Ambassador members.

Hugos which literally means "to hang" is the re-enactment of the meeting of Mary and Jesus at the dawn of Easter Sunday and the coming down of the Angel Gabriel to give the good news of Jesus' resurrection. This practice is observed not only in Loboc but by all Boholanos with much reverence and adoration. From different starting points, all the women (led by the image of the Blessed Virgin) and all the men (led by the image of the Risen Christ) met at a designated place which is a raised open dais where small children garbed in an angel's garment gathers. An angel who can sing is hanged by the waist and is lowered down while singing the Regina Coeli followed by the antiphonal singing between the other angels and the congregation present. A Latin psalm, the Una Sabatorum, is usually sung by two angels during the event. Holy Mass follows. In Bohol, a stone arc at the front of the church can be seen in all old churches with an opening in the center where the angel is lowered.


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