Useful English expressions Part 3 - Learn vocabulary

Описание к видео Useful English expressions Part 3 - Learn vocabulary

In this English vocabulary lesson, you will learn several useful expressions:

to gatecrash
to give as good as you get
to give someone a taste of their own medicine
to give someone a hard time
to go off on a tangent
to grin and bear it

For each English word and expression, you will learn the meaning and definition as well as the detailed explanation with example sentences.

This lesson was presented by Andrew, a qualified native British English teacher with over 10 years experience of teaching English.

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Photo credits by
“Portrait Of Shouting Businessman” by imagerymajestic
“Teenagers Dancing In Night Club” by photostock
“Young Woman Taking Medicine” by David Castillo Dominici
“Business Meeting” by Ambro
“Couple Arguing” by Ambro
"Woman With An Umbrella Reaches Out To See If Its Raining" by stockimages

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"gate" by


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