Thiruppavai Pasuram - 5 | Dhanurmasam Special |Maayanai mannu Pasuram | DevotionalTV

Описание к видео Thiruppavai Pasuram - 5 | Dhanurmasam Special |Maayanai mannu Pasuram | DevotionalTV

Dhanurmasam special videos by Devotional TV. Listen to Maayanai mannu 5th pasuram of Thiruppavai . The Tirrupavai popularly known as Dhanurmasa Vratham in Tamil, is a collection of thirty stanzas in Tamil written by Goddess Godadevi in praise of the Lord Krishna (Vishnu).

Godadevi or Andal incarnated on this earth in the 98th year after the beginning of the Kali Era. Vishnu Chitudu was a great devotee of lord Vishnu, once when he was cleaning his garden , he found a beautiful girl near a Tulasi plant and raised her with atmost care and love. Since her childhood she used to hear the pravachnas and keertanas about Lord Krishna and started thinking about him and wished to marry him.

For this she performed a wonderful vratham or prayer called Dhanurmasa vratham. After completion of the 30 days, she was blessed by lord krishna and got married to him. By practicing this vratham, one can attain all materialistic happiness.

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