【ENG SUB】37 Degrees North Latitude Might Be An Alien Colony! 幽浮基地、動物實驗 北緯37度成外星殖民地?

Описание к видео 【ENG SUB】37 Degrees North Latitude Might Be An Alien Colony! 幽浮基地、動物實驗 北緯37度成外星殖民地?

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(00:10) UFO base, animal experiments, 37 degrees north latitude becomes an alien colony?

(00:57) Communication signals from aliens? Beautiful "ghost light" footage exposed

(09:25) UFO hunters hunt for extraterrestrial visitors. Is 37 degrees north latitude an alien highway?

(14:38) Aliens recorded on monitors? Looks like Dobby from Harry Potter

(25:26) Is there really an underground alien headquarters in the United States? Uncovering the mystery of "Daoxi Base"

(33:32)The organs were dug out, the blood was drained, and the cows were used as alien experiments.

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