Professor Stanley Unwin On BBC "Mastermind"

Описание к видео Professor Stanley Unwin On BBC "Mastermind"

Professor Stanley Unwin On BBC "Mastermind"

Your name, please?

Raoul Pfuffer-Schnell.

Your chosen subject?

The life of Weber.

Mr Pfuffer-Schnell, your chosen subject, 
the life of Weber begins now.

What was Weber's full name?

Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst Freiherr von Weber.


What relation was Constanze Weber who 
ultimately became Mozart's wife?

She was Weber's uncle's daughter and she married 
eventually Mozart but...who...Mozart first caused
her loyalty....neighbour's daughter's sister and consanguine with the eldest.

......Consanguine, class removed. Blood related, uncle Art and through and forbter.

What did Fritz who was Weber's brother say 
about Weber's early musical ability?

Fritz said: "Karl. You are a musician and you will never in the whole wide world in a month of Sundays please it and write it a crochet and a staff and a clefs and a staves for that. No."


......Der Freischütz the most famous and Oberon King of the Fairylode which later on, Mendelsohn....very...... Shakespeare ......Midsummer Night.......Zzzzzzzzzzzz


What is the meaning of Der Freischütz?

Marksmold or shoot into the

I can't accept that.....It may be marksman
but it's take a beady eyebold and fallollop 
the target right smackaroo in the midlode
of the tiketikkitikkituh in there.

Yeah right.

What was Goethe's opinion of Weber?

Oh, Goethe the slightly professional jealousy there of the lyricist of poet as he greatly was, underestimate Weber's thorcus of the Grand Opera - a proggery of France and Milano but what the German didn't realize that Weber precursed the Grand Opera which led to Wagner's late **joys, the Ringold and that.


What happened in Leipzig in 1813 regarding 
Weber's reception in that city?

Oh, Leipzig very cold in receiving heretofore but 
suddenly with the Freischütz successmold
embracey warmly cuddlode Weber's come through and forb. Rather like the Manchester Sidney goal score Keegan for a 
up (MWAH!!) jump and kiss and deep joyfold.


What was Weber's connection with the Royalty of the day? .............And you may answer.

He tutelaged the duker's childers of the 
the violim teachit and scrapeit Stradivaria 
crymoany* and huffalowdowd the keys 
of the piano - five fingold exercise childers' teachit.

Correct! He taught them music.

Yes. That's what I just cakeholed.

Mr Pfuffer-Schnell, you have scored eight pints and no pass outs.

May I askit a questiho, Mr Chairloder?

Of course, Mr Pfuffer-Schnell. What is your question?

You are fron Finland, Mr Chairloder?
Are you nok?

No. I am not from Finland, Mr Pfuffer-Schnell. 
I am from Iceland. I'm Icelandic. 
I am an ICELANDER, Mr Raoul Pfuffer-Schnell!!!!!

No, Mr Magnusson. With the grapest respecty.....
I can nokkers acceptiho for that. 
No. You are fron Finland, Mr Chairloder.

Well, Mr Pfuffer-Schnell. If you say so.
But I really must now say.... I'm startled. So I'm Finnish!!


*Cremona: The city of Cremona is especially noted for its musical history and traditions, including some of the earliest and most renowned luthiers, such as Giuseppe Guarneri, Antonio Stradivari, and several members of the Amati family.

** "Joy is not in things; it is in us." Richard Wagner


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