New Zealand

Описание к видео New Zealand



作曲: 佐橋 拓弥 (2023‐2024)
ミキシング: 神 展彦
デザイン: 浅井 多喜

演奏 (2024年 春)
Fl: 五十嵐 和幸, Fg: 伊藤 佑亮, Vn: 酒井 和比古, Va: 野々口 華子 , Pf 吉田 彩乃

Ⅰ 00:00 夜明け (Breaking Dawn)
Ⅱ 00:28 朝風 (Morning Breeze)
Ⅲ 01:26 ドライブ(Driving)
Ⅳ 02:24 星空観測(Star Gazing)
Ⅴ 04:31 山々(Mountains)
Ⅵ 06:57 湖畔での乗馬体験(Lakeside Horse Riding)
Ⅶ 07:47 暗い鍾乳洞と土ボタル(Dark Cave and Glowworms)
Ⅷ 10:06 夜更け(Nightfall)

《New Zealand》
This piece depicts a scene from trip to New Zealand.
We hope that you will enjoy the various changing scenes as if you were on a trip to New Zealand.
This time, we have collaborated with the artist to create original cover designs for each piece, based on her inspiration after listening to the recordings.
Please take a look at the pieces, the cover designs, and the descriptions below.

Composer: Takuya Sahashi (2023-2024)
Mix engineer: Nobuhiko Jin
Designer: Taki Asai

Performer (2024 spring)
Fl: Kazuyuki Igarashi, Fg: Yusuke Ito, Vn: Kazuhiko Sakai, Va: Hanako Nonoguchi, Pf: Ayano Yoshida

Ⅰ Breaking Dawn
This piece starts quietly, as if praying to nature.
Ⅱ Morning Breeze
This piece foreshadows the beginning of something to come.
Many motifs that will appear in the future appear in this piece and it is positioned as an overture to the whole piece.
Ⅲ Driving
The image of a straight road that never turns for several tens of kilometers.
At the climax, a milky blue lake can be seen from the downhill.
IV Star Gazing
The beautiful and wide starry sky seen from the dark mountain is so beautiful that you feel as if you are being sucked into it.
V Mountains
It was summer when I visited, but there was still a little snow on the ground, and the mountains looked sacred as if they were inhabited by God.
VI Lakeside Horse Riding
As the title suggests, this piece is light and lively. At the climax of the piece, the lake can be seen from the top of the mountain.
VII Dark Cave and Glowworms
The first half is a dark limestone cave, while the second half is a contrasting structure with sudden and fantastic lights.
The second half is also the climax of the entire piece.
Ⅷ Nightfall
Returning to the theme of the first piece, it leads from dawn to dusk,
It ends quietly, unlike the beginning.

#newzealand #nature#chambermusic #classicalmusic
#violin #viola #piano #flute #fagotto
#ニュージーランド #自然 #作曲

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