SF3:3S - USA vs Japan 5 on 5 exhibition tournament (Evo2k2 DVD)

Описание к видео SF3:3S - USA vs Japan 5 on 5 exhibition tournament (Evo2k2 DVD)

For historical value.

Trivia: "East coast" is shouted by someone in the crowd during Justin Wong's matches, because he and the EC in general were notorious turtles at the time. Generally used here as an ironic jeer and not a cheer.

Trivia: 3rd Strike was not a popular game in the US at the time of this tournament, which goes a long way in explaining the results of this 5v5 match. For example, this the first time American players were exposed to Urien's Aegis Reflector traps/combos, as can be seen during the infamous Justin Wong vs Tokido match (24:49). Note the rather audible reaction from the spectating players. This tournament was responsible for a rise in interest among many US players, who may have thought of it as a boring or uninteresting game.

The sitting Japanese players are:
KSK (Alex)
Chikyuu [Sodom] (Twelve)
Tokido AKA Murderface (Urien)
Ohnuki (Chun-Li)
Mester (Yun)

The rotating US Players are:
Justin Wong (Chun-Li)
JR Rodriguez (Akuma)
Mike Watson (Yun; SA2)
George "Gee-O" Posadas (Chun-Li)
Alex Valle (Ryu)

House mic run by Ben "tragic" Cureton.


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