Growth Mindset - Story of Twin Brothers (animated)

Описание к видео Growth Mindset - Story of Twin Brothers (animated)

There will always be challenges and obstacles in life. Some more difficult and some less. What matters is how we look at the problems we face. Are we looking with a fixed, or a growth mindset?

In this video I explain the two mindsets through a story of twin brothers.

People with a growth mindset know intelligence can be developed. It leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency to:
embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks and learn from criticism.

People with a fixed mindset believe intelligence is static. It leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendency to:
avoid challenges, give up easily, ignore feedback and see effort as fruitless.

The twins started in the same place, with the same circumstances.
However, the path they chose was different as a result of their mindset.


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