GRACO READY 2 GROW TANDEM STROLLER Graco Ready to Grow Stroller product preview by Baby On Board

Описание к видео GRACO READY 2 GROW TANDEM STROLLER Graco Ready to Grow Stroller product preview by Baby On Board

Graco Ready2Grow Double Stroller

Kereta Dorong Bayi merupakan kereta dorong bayi yang dapat di gunakan 12 kegunaan posisi, dilengkapi dengan 12 pilihan mengendarai, mulai dari bayi hingga remaja, anak-anak Anda akan senang keluar dan berkeliling. Memiliki platform berdiri dan kursi bangku untuk anak Anda yang lebih besar, dan kursi belakang Face Time yang dapat dilepas untuk waktu ikatan dengan bayi. Lipatan berdiri satu tangan dengan kait penyimpanan. Putar depan yang dapat dikunci roda dengan suspensi untuk kemampuan manuver yang unggul. Kursi depan, kursi bangku & platform berdiri, masing-masing menampung anak hingga 50 pound, kursi belakang menampung hingga 40 pound. Multi-posisi, kursi depan berbaring berbaring rata. Angkat kursi bangku Balita untuk akses keranjang mudah. Nampan induk dengan cangkir dudukan untuk kenyamanan saat bepergian Keranjang penyimpanan ekstra besar menampung kebutuhan perjalanan Anda Baki anak yang dapat dilepas membantu bayi masuk dan keluar kereta bayi dengan mudah.

Tandem stroller has 2 riding options for 2 children from infant to youth. Multi-position, reclining front seat reclines for baby's comfort
Removable face-time rear seat forinteraction with baby; The 1-hand fold with an automatic lock, large storage basket, and snack trays offer convenience, while the front swivel wheels allow for easy maneuverability
Front seat, bench seat and standing platform each hold child up to 50 pounds, rear seat holds up to 40 pounds; 3- and 5-point safety harnesses keep your children safe and secure.Do not immerse harness straps or latch strap in water
80% polyester and 20% cotton construction; For convenience, you can easily remove both seat cushions and machine-wash them in cold water on a delicate cycle; The double stroller frame wipes down easily with soap and warm water.Removable child's tray that holds 2 cups/ bottles and snacks; Adults have a tray with a pivoting cup holder; The large storage basket underneath is ideal for holding purses, groceries, and diaper bags
Wipe clean. Stroller Height - 45 inches
12 riding options for 2 children from infant to youth.
Removable face-time rear seat for more interaction with baby. The 1-hand fold with an automatic lock, large storage basket, and snack trays offer convenience, while the front swivel wheels allow for easy maneuverability.
Front seat, bench seat and standing platform each hold child up to 50 pounds, rear seat holds up to 40 pounds. 3- and 5-point safety harnesses keep your children safe and secure.
80% polyester and 20% cotton construction. For convenience, you can easily remove both seat cushions and machine-wash them in cold water on a delicate cycle. The stroller frame wipes down easily with soap and warm water.
Removable child's tray that holds 2 cups/ bottles and snacks. Adults have a tray with a pivoting cup holder. The large storage basket underneath is ideal for holding purses, groceries, and diaper bags.


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