Review Demo - Orange Fur Coat Fuzz

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of Orange Amps. The brand’s popularity initially peaked in the ’70s, but years of decline followed as the brand changed hands. Since the turn of the century, though, a revitalized Orange has seen greater success than ever. The company’s amps hog most of the spotlight, but Orange has also assembled a compelling stompbox line. Let’s audition one of their latest: the Fur Coat.

As Orange states, the Fur Coat is based on the Foxx Tone Machine octave fuzz, which originally sold from 1971 through 1978. Its distinctive enclosure was covered in felt—a “fur coat” of sorts. The design experienced a renaissance in the early ’90s, as crunch-obsessed players like Billy Corgan used it to construct vast walls of fuzz guitar.

The Tone Machine has been cloned—or near-cloned—many times before. The Prescription Electronics Experience pedal, with its added “swell” function, helped launch the transistor-fuzz revival some 25 years ago. Subsequent incarnations include the Fulltone Ultimate Octave, MXR La Machine, Greer Super Hornet, and many DIY clone kits.

Such “flattery” is well deserved. The Tone Machine is an ultra-potent octave fuzz, brighter and bolder than most of its predecessors. Unlike other vintage octave fuzzes, it yields killer Big Muff-like distortion when the octave circuit is bypassed. It’s also got a cool single-knob tone stack that does more than merely trim highs: Below noon it fattens lows and mids, and above it emphases the octave’s piercing, nasal character. It’s tough to top the circuit’s fizzy yet fat impact.

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