PowerQuery DrivingDistanceBetweenPostcodes

Описание к видео PowerQuery DrivingDistanceBetweenPostcodes

This video shows how to use Power Query to get 'road distances' between two postcodes.
I used this to get 'travel-to-work' data but it can be used for customers travelling to stores, expense mileage calculations, etc
There are some complex concepts in the video so feel free to stop and replay any areas you are not sure of.
If you want a copy of the file I used then please just pop an email in the comments below where you'd like it sent. You can then use this file to paste in your own values into the sample data table and get your mileages in the new table. You will have to keep the Starting table structure (i.e. headings,etc) the same or change it in the code for your query.


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