Absence Makes the Heart Go Wander. sjk

Описание к видео Absence Makes the Heart Go Wander. sjk

Lyrics: 1.) I have heard it said that “absence makes the heart grow fonder”And sometimes I know it’s true what they say. But I know there’s times that “absence makes the heart go wander”, when the person who is absent makes the choice to stay away. ( that’s why I say ) Chorus - Absence makes the heart go wander In search for somebody who longs to be with you. Someone who loves you so, whose heart for you is fonder, Who wants to be beside you in everything you do. 2.) True love always wants to be near their object of affection, your heart is in agony till you can be with them again. If they choose not to come around. their love is cold deception And their words of love are empty, cruel manipulation scam . Chorus


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