Anandapur: Maharajah Jungle Trek | Disney's Animal Kingdom

Описание к видео Anandapur: Maharajah Jungle Trek | Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom: Anandapur - Maharajah Jungle Trek

Welcome to the place of many delights, the Kingdom of Anandapur. The Maharajah Jungle Trek is a trail through the Royal Anandapur Forest. For centuries, the Rajahs of Anandapur hunted tigers in this mystical forest. In 1544, King Bhima decreed the forest a royal preserve only open to the royal family and their invited guests, building a royal hunting lodge in the forest. In an effort to make his sport easier he had his subjects enclose portions of hte forest in walls, he would use these spaces to lure and trap the tigers, he was later killed in a hunting accident. Subsequent Maharajahs, seeing the error of his endeavor, would focus more on protecting wildlife and living in balance in nature, before the palace was eventually abandoned. In 1948, after the end of British colonial rule, the Royal Forest was given to the people of Anandapur, who turned the ruins of the old palace into a nature preserve to protect the remaining tigers and wildlife. The villagers opened the sanctuary to the outside world. They take great pride in their forest and share their love of animals with visitors as they explore the refuge.

After passing through the guardhouse at the entrance of the trail we come to the habitats of:

Rock & Stream Exhibit: Komodo Dragon

Cliff Exhibit: Lion Tailed Macaques

Atavika Station 12: Tree monitor, Malayan Flying Foxes, Prehensile tailed skink
Tiger Yards: Sumatran Tiger

Drinking Water Station: Water Buffalo, Elds Deer, Black Buck, Sarus Crane, Bar Headed Geese

Aviary: Indian Pygmy Goose, Falcated Teal, Metallic Starling, Golden-Crested Myna, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Malayan Great Argus, Crested Wood Partridge, Blue-Crowned Laughingthrush, Edward's Pheasant, Hooded Pita, Nicobar Pigeon, Red-Billed Leiothrix, Shama Thrush, Grey-Capped Emerald Dove, Black-Collared Starling, Masked Lapwing, Green Jungle Fowl, White-Eared Sibia, Frogmouth, Mindanao Bleeding-Heart Dove, Fairly Bluebird, Parakeet, White-breasted Woodswallow

Island Temple Exhibits: Siamangs, White-Cheeked Gibbons.

Thanks for joining me on this trek through Disney's Animal Kingdom Anandapur: Maharajah Jungle Trek.


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