Pain Relieving Gel & Creams - Natural Pain Killer at home | By Dr. Khalid Jamil

Описание к видео Pain Relieving Gel & Creams - Natural Pain Killer at home | By Dr. Khalid Jamil

Neurologist Dr. Khalid Jameel Akhter discussed '' Pain Relieving Gel & Creams '' Pain Relief Creams - How Does It Work?
چوٹ، درد اور موچ سے نجات دلانے والی کریمیں اور ان کا استعمال

#Painrelief #Paincreams #PainGel

“Nai Manzalain Naye Rastey” a comprehensive book on various disabilities is one of his distinct works. He has written various books on social issues and scientific explanations of various spiritual phenomena. His books Tesra Pehlu and Darhaqiqat cover diverse social issues.


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