手揉汉堡面包 不用费力揉面也柔软 No Stand Mixer Burger Buns Recipe

Описание к видео 手揉汉堡面包 不用费力揉面也柔软 No Stand Mixer Burger Buns Recipe

Without too much kneading work, we can still achieve a soft bun using the technique called autolyse, which allows the gluten to develop through time. We also use some parchment paper to make some molds for a higher rise for the burger buns without having to purchase a special baking mold.

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排气分割整形Degas, Dividing & Shaping(2:58)
最后发酵Final Proof(3:33)
预热烤箱Preheat the oven(3:48)
装饰和烘烤Decoration and Bake(3:54)
出炉晾凉Cool Down(4:42)
成品Final Product(4:53)

中筋面粉(即普通面粉,蛋白质含量最好在10%以上,也可以换成高筋) 106g
牛奶 113g (可换成108g水)
即发酵母 2g (1/2 Tsp)(可换成 2.5-3g活性干酵母)
前面制作的海绵酵头 1份
中筋面粉(可换高筋) 75g
糖 15g(1Tbsp)
盐 4g(4/3Tsp)
蛋黄 1个
软化的无盐黄油 20g(1.5 Tbsp)(可换成液态植物油,但没有黄油香,也没有黄油好操作)
鸡蛋液 少许

1. 牛肉馅 250g,加入少许盐和黑胡椒用手抓匀(不用划圈搅拌),分成两份,按成薄肉饼。锅中放少许油,油热后,将牛肉饼每面煎两分半到3分钟(按自己喜欢的熟度调节),翻面后可以加入少许黄油增香。
2. 锅中留少许油,将面包切开后用小火煎一下切面,在上面抹上美乃滋酱(美乃滋酱两大勺,盐和胡椒少许,蒜泥1颗),番茄酱,放上肉饼和切成片的牛油果即可。

Ingredient List(Yields 4 mid-sized buns):
The Sponge:
All purpose flour(substitute bread flour) 106g
Milk 113g (substitute 108g water)
Instant Yeast 2g(1/2 Tsp) (substitute 2.5-3g active dry yeast)
The Bread Dough:
The sponge prepared ahead 1 portion
All purpose flour(substitute bread flour) 75g
Sugar 15g(1Tbsp)
Salt 4g(4/3Tsp)
Egg Yok 1
Softened Unsalted Butter 20g(1.5Tbsp)(Can be substituted with veg oil, but not as good as butter for sure)
Decorations on Top:
toasted sesame seeds
some beaten egg for egg wash

Recipe for The Burgers Made in The End:
1. Season 1/2 of ground beef with salt and pepper, divide it into 2 patties. Heat some oil in the pan, once it gets hot, place the patties in, and sear for about 2.5-3 minutes on each side depending on your preference of doneness. You may add some butter while searing the second side for additional flavor.
2. Reserve some oil in the pan, toast the buns with cut side down on low heat. Spread some mayonnaise(2 tbsp of mayo, some salt and pepper, 1 garlic paste), ketchup. Place the patties and top with some sliced avocados.

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