Access Your Wise Self to Manage Intense Emotions

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Do you ever wish that you could manage intense emotions more confidently? Anger, hurt, grief, worry, and other intense feelings can be overwhelming. If you feel out of control or overly emotional, you’ll appreciate this episode. If you’re ready to regain control of your feelings and live a calmer, more balanced life, we’ve got a great starting point for you today.

In this episode, we’re sharing an excerpt from the popular audiobook "Calming the Emotional Storm: Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills to Manage & Balance Your Life" by Sheri Van Dijk. Sheri draws from her extensive experience teaching dialectical behavior therapy skills (DBT) to offer a comprehensive audiobook that offers an abundance of effective strategies to manage intense emotions.

Today, Sheri discusses three different ways we think about the events and people in our lives. At any time, we can be processing with our “emotional self,” our “reasonable self,” or our “wise self.” While all three ways of thinking have their own benefits, to best manage intense emotions, you want to address challenges with your “wise self.” Sheri discusses how to access the wisest part of our minds, expand our self-awareness, and begin living an emotionally balanced and harmonious life.



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