7 Ways To Avoid Long Rise Of The Resistance Wait Times

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7 Ways To Avoid Long Rise Of The Resistance Wait Times

Welcome to the ultimate guide to riding Rise of the Resistance at Disneyland with little to no wait times. Rise of the Resistance is one of the most popular and, with that tends to have very long wait times. However, with our tips and tricks, you can make the most of your day and enjoy this incredible ride without spending hours in line.

The Ultimate Guide To Avoid Long Rise Of The Resistance Wait Times

00:00 - Welcome to the ultimate guide to riding Rise of the Resistance at Disneyland.

00:45 - No.07 / Rise Of The Resistance Individual Lightning Lane

To avoid long wait times in line for Rise of the Resistance, you can buy an individual Lightning Lane for $20-$25. However, it can add up quickly if you're buying for a group or family, easily costing over $100. Consider the value of an extra hour versus the cost. The Lightning Lane option for this attraction tends to sell out after 5 PM each day, so don't wait too long to purchase.

01:33 - No.06 / Best Rise Of The Resistance Rope Drop Strategy

During the first hour, expect a 20-40 minute wait. Shorter wait times are consistent throughout the first hour due to the rope droppers cycling through before the Lightning Lane starts.

03:10 - No.05 / Ride Rise Of The Resistance At Closing Strategy

This strategy is good for riding an attraction again, but not recommended for first-time visitors who prioritize Rise. Relying solely on this strategy is also risky. However, if timed correctly, it can reduce the wait time to 10-15 minutes.

04:34 - No.04 / Counter-program Rise Of The Resistance Against Day Time Parades

To reduce wait times for Rise Of The Resistance, avoid daytime parades. During parades, thousands of people are watching, while thousands of others are trapped on the eastern side of the parade route. This presents a great opportunity to ride in under an hour.

05:07 - No.03 / Counter-program Rise Of The Resistance Against Night Time Shows

This Rise Of The Resistance strategy won't work every night but when it does this is an amazing hack locals use all the time! to avoid those long wait times.

05:59 - No.02 / Rise Of The Resistance Breakdowns Can Be Your Best Friend

Rise of the Resistance often malfunctions, but you can benefit from this by going to the western side of the park and doing other activities like getting food from Ronto's Roasters. Stay in the area, watch for when the ride reopens, and you might be able to get in line quickly.

06:56 - No.01 / Use Lighting Lane For Free

Watch Lightning Lane returns. If a long return time is being sold, the ride is very busy. If a return time for 3:05-3:20 is being sold at 3:00, walk briskly (but don't run!) to the attraction because the standby line is short. Don't trust posted return times, as they're usually not accurate.


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