交易所交易基金: Exchange Traded Funds (普通话)

Описание к видео 交易所交易基金: Exchange Traded Funds (普通话)

You may have heard of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), mutual funds or index funds - all of these are fund-based investments. But what makes exchange traded funds different and why do investors use them? Let's break it down together! In today’s webinar, we'll discuss the different types of exchange traded funds, explain the basics, conduct investment comparisons, review key terms, as well as the features!

您可能听说过ETF(交易所交易基金),互惠基金或指数基金 - 所有这些都是基于基金的投资。但是,是什么让交易所交易基金与众不同,为什么投资者使用它们?让我们一起分解吧!在今天的网络研讨会中,我们将讨论不同类型的交易所交易基金,解释基础知识,进行投资比较,回顾关键术语以及功能!


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