Описание к видео ALPINA WEIN - Der Film [DE]

ALPINA Wein - Der Film
Rechtzeitig zur großen Präsentation ALPINA AUSLESE 2017 geht am Montag, den 22. Mai der neue ALPINA Wein Film online.
Firmengründer Burkard Bovensiepen erzählt faszinierende Details über das ALPINA Weingeschäft, begleitet mit Anekdoten und Kommentaren von "Mr. Sassicaia" Marchese Nicolò Incisa della Rocchetta, Bo Barrett vom legendären Chateau Montelena und Sieger des "Paris Tasting 1976" sowie der Pfälzer Weinlegende Hansjörg Rebholz.

The ALPINA Wine Film
Just in time for the spectacular ALPINA AUSLESE 2017, an exclusive event show casing the most extravagant wines and their makers, the new ALPINA Wine Film will go online this Monday, May 22nd.
Company founder Burkard Bovensiepen will reveal fascinating details about the ALPINA wine business, accompanied by anecdotes and commentary from "Mr. Sassicaia" Marchese Nicolò Incisa della Rocchetta, Bo Barrett from the legendary Chateau Montelena and winner of the infamous "Paris Tasting 1976" as well as German vintner legend Hansjörg Rebholz.


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