Magical Genie Wealth Meditation | Double Your Wealth Energy Every Minute 魔法神燈財富冥想 | 開啟源源不絕的豐盛

Описание к видео Magical Genie Wealth Meditation | Double Your Wealth Energy Every Minute 魔法神燈財富冥想 | 開啟源源不絕的豐盛

Imagine yourself seated in a serene desert, with the magical lamp glowing golden in front of you. This wealth meditation music will guide you into a world of abundance, with the genie unlocking endless wealth energy for you. The longer you listen, the more the wealth flows into your life. Prepare yourself to receive this powerful energy infusion!

How to Meditate:

1. Find a quiet place, sit or lie down.
2. Relax your body, take deep breaths, and enter a calm state.
3. Visualize golden light from the lamp surrounding you.
4. With each inhale, feel your wealth energy growing. With each exhale, release any negativity.
5. Focus on the feeling of abundance and success already being yours.



1. 尋找一個安靜的地方,坐下或躺下。
2. 放鬆你的身體,深呼吸,讓自己進入平靜狀態。
3. 想像金色光芒從神燈中散發,包圍著你。
4. 每一次吸氣,感受財富能量的增強。每次呼氣,釋放任何負面能量。
5. 專注於感覺豐盛與成功已經屬於你。

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