Disciples II Dark Prophecy - Empire - Scenario VII - Binding Forces - FINAL - Part 3

Описание к видео Disciples II Dark Prophecy - Empire - Scenario VII - Binding Forces - FINAL - Part 3

Only Uther and his Daemons remain and we have little time left before they attack. You can bite them a little and take their cities pr kill their heroes but when you aproach Uther he will summon very powerful Onyx Gargoyles and Abyssal Daemons to kill you. You can trigger this and defeat them to gather huge amount of exp but fight will be rough. Retreat this land before 70th turn. Resarch Fire Ward spell, it is very important to have it in final fight. Return to your lands and when 70th turn comes, Uther will be stop waiting for you and attack your lands by himself. He summons few Abyssal Daemons with retinue in different parts of the map. From now on Uther will march to your capital and Abyssal Daemons will attack your cities and probably will conquer them. There is nothing you can do about it, but if you have few turns left you can defeat some of Abyssal Daemons but that does anything. Return to your capital and wait for Uther to come. When he aproach your capital drink all potions and cast Fire Ward spell to your hero. Enter the capital and end turn to trigger Uther's attack. His stack is not so tough but Uther himself is very tough and he paralyses your units with every attack. You have +90 to armor because you are in Capital and that will save your life. Uther's paralyze can hold your units through entire fighjt. But with that amount of armor he will not deal you so much damage only paralyze you. Be patient and attack him when he miss one of your units. Soon you will defeat him and send him back to hell. Here campaign ends leaving Empire in ruins without the ruler. Daemons has been defeated but cost was too high and Empire need a new Emperor.


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