別只看「沒有」,向你的困境借東西:火星爺爺(許榮宏)Logan Hsu at TEDxTaipei 2014

Описание к видео 別只看「沒有」,向你的困境借東西:火星爺爺(許榮宏)Logan Hsu at TEDxTaipei 2014


講者介紹:火星爺爺(許榮宏)Logan Hsu
他是講師、是出版五本書的作者、是小兒麻痺患者,7歲前都在地上爬。他沒有方便的身體,認為再怎麼努力都無法改變。國二,他在馬路中間跌倒,完全不想站起來。但一位計程車司機衝出來抱起他,扶他走到馬路的另外一端。然後他明白,老天沒有給他「方便」,卻給他無數個天使 。

Logan Hsu is a motivational speaker, author, and a polio survivor. Before the age of seven, he was unable to walk and spent much of his time on all fours. In middle school, Logan tripped and fell while crossing the street; he was so discouraged by his circumstances that he refused to get up. It was at that time that a taxi driver rushed to his side and helped carry him to safety. Logan was grateful for the stranger's random act of kindness, and has since sought to spread goodness and encouragements to others in need.

To Logan, his physical disability is a condition that he is unable to change. However, God has blessed Logan with many angels to assist him along his mission.

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