Chilon of Sparta: The Laconic Reformer

Описание к видео Chilon of Sparta: The Laconic Reformer

Chilon is one of the seven sages of ancient Greece, a collective of rulers, thinkers and profoundly wise individuals who helped shape the world of Archaic Greece. Chilon was born in Sparta, in southern Peloponesse and played a significant role in the forming of the Spartan constitution.

All the Quotes of Chilon of Sparta:

Know Thyself.
When you drink alcohol, do not talk too much, for you will make mistakes.
Do not offend free men.
Do not slander those close to you, for you are likely to hear things which make you unhappy.
Take your time during the dinners of your friends, but be quick during their unfortunate events.
Your wedding should be simple.
Honour the dead.
Respect your elders.
Hate the person who gets involved in the affairs of others.
Prefer economic damage to shameful profit. The first will make you sad only once, while the other will worry you forever.
Do not laugh at the person who is unfortunate.
Remain calm against rugged people, so that they are ashamed rather than fearful of you.
Govern and protect your family.
Do not allow your tongue to run ahead of your mind.
Control your anger.
Do not desire the impossible.
Do not try to overpass people on the road and make offensive hand gestures, this is done only by crazy people.
Obey the law.
When they are unjust to you, be willing to reconcile, when they insult you, you should punish them.
The greatest human virtue is for one to be able to foresee the future with the help of thought.

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