Give your Fedora a Telescope/Gambler Crown- PT1

Описание к видео Give your Fedora a Telescope/Gambler Crown- PT1

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Thanks so much for your questions,feedback and participation,please subscribe to be able to see all of our videos asap, it also helps to keep our channel running.

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Kevin Our shop website:
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Thanks so much for your questions,feedback and participation,please subscribe to be able to see all of our videos asap, it also helps to keep our channel running.

Thank you kindly!
Kevin If you wish to support our channel financially,
here’s a link to our PayPal address:
[email protected] Preparing the hat to be steamed, I sketch out a shape, decide how high to make the crown, measure it and pinch in a temporary shape,getting the line as even as I can without when it comes time to steam in a shape, I have a little line scored and ready to start shaping.. part two I turn on the steam and finish this bad boy..the customer is coming back later, his name is Wyatt, really cool,positive young fellow with great taste in hats.


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