Roland SP-404 mk2 Sound Design Walkthrough / Tutorial

Описание к видео Roland SP-404 mk2 Sound Design Walkthrough / Tutorial

Hey. So, this is my first attempt of doing some sort of "tutorial" on my YouTube channel. Honestly, you all probably know a lot more about the 404 than I do.... I do some pretty weird sounding music on the 404, and folks have asked for me to share some insights as to my sounds and, HERE IT IS! If you like this video, I'll attempt to do more.
So, in this tutorial (I hate even calling it that..) I take a sample that was recorded out in my yard, and I do some sound design with that sample. I made some percussion, I made some trippy ambience...
There is a jam at the end of the video.

I hope you enjoy!
Oh, and...GARBAGE DAY!!!!


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