Which Stormlight Heroes SURVIVE? || Wind and Truth Primer

Описание к видео Which Stormlight Heroes SURVIVE? || Wind and Truth Primer

As we gear up for the highly anticipated release of Wind and Truth this winter, let's dive into the journey of our favorite heroes from The Stormlight Archive. Where did we leave them at the end of Rhythm of War, and what might their next steps be? Join us as we break down the key players, their motivations, and our theories on what lies ahead for Kaladin, Jasnah, Szeth, and more!

Special thank you to Harrison Tarr from ‪@tabletopsandbox‬ for providing voiceovers.

0:00 Intro
0:51 Kaladin
3:00 Shallan/Adolin
5:32 Dalinar
6:34 Navani
7:23 Wit
9:16 Jasnah
10:24 Lift
11:36 Rysn
12:33 Sigzil
13:19 Szeth
14:12 Renarin
14:54 Listeners

#brandonsanderson #cosmere #stormlightarchive #windandtruth #fantasybooks


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