My Gomme Syrup Method!

Описание к видео My Gomme Syrup Method!

It took me some time to figure out the best solution for simple syrup. In the past when I made it, it would crystalize in the fridge, or get moldy. I wasn't sure if I should do 2:1 or 1:1, you get the idea. This method is a little more work, but not much. The syrup tastes great, it has a great mouth feel, and it never crystalizes or goes bad before I empty the bottle. Sometimes it's called Gum Syrup.

It's based on Morganthaler's gomme syrup recipe in his book

I do 1.5:1 in stead of 2:1 because I find it easier to work with.
Here is the complicated Simple Syrup recipe:
55g (2 oz) Acacia root powder
55g (2oz) water, to hydrate
leave it overnight

in a pan on the stove combine
110g (4oz) water
with 278g (9 oz) Turbinado, or other sugar
acacia goop from earlier
heat to dissolve sugar and combine, let cool, stirring occasionally to mix the goop back in.

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