Angry Birds Transformers Telepods Optimus Prime Bird Raceway from Hasbro

Описание к видео Angry Birds Transformers Telepods Optimus Prime Bird Raceway from Hasbro

The Angry Birds Transformers: Optimus Prime Bird Raceway is a drag strip for the Angry Birds version of two popular Autobot and Decepticon figures. For full review and shopping info►

Product Info:
Transformers Telepods figures are Transformers that have been re-imagined as characters from the Angry Birds games. The Angry Birds Transformers: Optimus Prime Bird Raceway is a drag strip for the figures, which transform from robots to vehicles. You place two vehicles in the launchers, hit the buttons and send them racing down the 35-inch raceway. The winning racer will transform the Optimus Prime bird arch into a robot and send the loser crashing.

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