🌟Estill Voice vs CVT Complete Vocal Technique Masterclass

Описание к видео 🌟Estill Voice vs CVT Complete Vocal Technique Masterclass

Estill Masterclass: EVT Estill Voice vs CVT Complete Vocal Technique (AKA CVI) - Charlotte Xerri, Jackie Hole Level 1 & 2 Estill Course, London

See how CVI and CVT / EVT techniques work so well together in this masterclass

for more information contact www.completevocaltechnique.co.uk

I decided to sing and am telling you from Dreamgirls - Oh what fun we had - I picked the biggest / hardest song I could so that it would make me use waaaaaaaaaaaay too much effort Super interesting to have a different take from my CVT technique - I had said earlier that I twang a lot due to practicing effects and being in a rock band and sometimes am not as free as I would like to be as I can also sing with too much 'pressure' - you'll see if you watch the video :-)

*disclaimer - when Charlotte says CVT default - she means MY personal CVT default as I sing with a lot of twang and high larynx to do effects etc - a conversation we had prior to the session

We met in the summer and had such fun that I went on the Estill 1 & Day course

Read more on my estill voice review http://www.jackiehole.com/vocalcoach/...


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