The Aftons gets special abilities for 24 hours // remake // FNAF //

Описание к видео The Aftons gets special abilities for 24 hours // remake // FNAF //

Hey you all! So, this video has a lot of unanswered questions. That’s why I’ve decided to find as many questions i can and answer on them. Though, the answers holds spoilers to what is going to happen if you haven’t watched the video yet. That’s why I’d like for you to watch the video before you look and the questions and answers!🫶💗

What did Cassidy mean by vengeful spirit?:
Well, when C.C died, he became an Angel in heaven. He was sent down on earth as a vengeful spirit after constantly thinking about revenge. He got down on earth to get revenge on Michael. That explains his wings being black instead of white like Clara’s. His goal was to turn Michael into a spirit so he could finally live in peace in heaven. The first and only place he could remember was the place where he was bitten. He searched around and couldn’t find fredbear anywhere. He couldn’t find Michael either. He wanted to find out where fredbear was, and he found it. Though, fredbear was destroyed. Fredbear had turned into golden freddy. He thought about getting revenge by biting Michael by possessing it. He began to possess it. Though, since C.C’s body wasn’t trapped inside of it, he is able to leave it. If he wants to go back up in heaven, he has to kill his brother.

Why did Michael blush when he saw the girl?:
No, he does not have a crush on her anymore. Since he had in his illusion disc, it changed his emotions as well. Michael used to have a crush on her when he was younger. Though, he doesn’t like her anymore. The only reason he blushed was because of the illusion disc, and he does not want to be with anyone.

What was the green stuff?:
The green stuff Michael got stung by was something that would then him into dust. He’d slowly start withering. William knew that which is why he did what he did in the end.

Will William come back?:
Who know? Maybe he will, maybe not. Maybe he used too much of his powers.

Why did Cassidy get so mad over C.C not wanting to rest?:
Her plan is to get rid of Michael and C.C first so she can get closer to William. She wants to make him suffer as much as possible. She can’t do that with his family members in the way. She wants C.C to get mad at Michael and get his final revenge so she only needs to get rid of Elizabeth and Clara.

Why did C.C go crazy and burn the house?:
After setting Elizabeth on fire, he couldn’t forgive himself. Elizabeth had done so much for him, and he gave her so little in return. He thought that everyone would get mad at him, so he burnt the house, hoping the others wouldn’t get out so he wouldn’t have to worry about getting judged. Of course, he would never do that, but he was quite insane at the moment.

How does C.C teleport if they all lost their powers when receiving their new ones?:
C.C and Cassidy possess the same animatronic. Cassidy is still able to teleport even though C.C’s powers had gotten replaced. Since Cassidy was still able to teleport, C.C could also. That answers the same question to why C.C was filled with rage. It got boosted because he possesses the same animatronic as Cassidy. She is filled with rage which makes him feel rage as well.

I hope that answers your questions! If you got more, feel free to ask them in the comment section!


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