How to identify Gulls in winter

Описание к видео How to identify Gulls in winter

This is a recording of a webinar for RSPB members, which took place on 22 February 2024.

Gulls can be tricky to tell apart: a family of similar looking white birds which with grey and black markings. Winter's a good time to get out and pay them some attention, as they gather in flocks to look for food. So now is your chance to start learning the differences!

In this session we begin by looking at the more common species of gull that you're likely to see around the UK at this time of year. We look at how you can tell species like Herring Gull and Lesser Black-blacked Gull apart. Then, we move on to those that spend the winter here in smaller numbers.

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Image: Common Gull by Ben Andrew (


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