MECC August 2023 Challenge - Fantasy Football

Описание к видео MECC August 2023 Challenge - Fantasy Football

We are getting everyone ready for fall with a Fantasy Football themed challenge. Don't worry if you're more into "data huddles" than football huddles – the August challenge is tailor-made for everyone. We're passing you a dataset that needs a little cleanup before you can lead it to victory in your analysis. You don't need to be a football aficionado or even a rookie to make some MVP-level data decisions!

If you need a guide for disabling macro security, see this video:    • Disabling Macro Security  .

For more details on XLOOKUP, see these videos:    • Xlookup   (exact match),    • Xlookup Equal or Larger   (next larger match),    • Xlookup Equal Or Smaller   (next smaller match).

For more details on lookup functions more generally, see this playlist:    • Lookup and Matching Functions  .

To sign up for the MECC, go to


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