Rainbow Bee-eater nest colony

Описание к видео Rainbow Bee-eater nest colony

🌈 'Rainbow Bee-eater' 🌈

Hi Folks.
This is the 160th entry in my ‘Nature Diary’.
As I’m not a very good writer, to do justice to these beautiful birds, I will quote the write up in one of my bird books, ‘Field Guide to Australian Birds’ by Michael Morcombe.
‘Orange wings flash against blue sky as a Rainbow Bee-eater twists and turns in pursuit of fast-flying insects, then glides back to its perch to beat the captured bee or dragonfly against the wood.
Finds open airspace in and over woodland forest, farmland. Avoids heavy forest that would hinder its aerial pursuits of insects. In breeding season , requires also an open clearing or paddock with loamy soil soft enough for a nest tunnelling , yet firm enough to support the tunnel.’
That is a beautiful description of this delightful bird.
Until next time Folks, take care.

1 - Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus)
Rainbow Bee-eater nest diagram photographed from "Field Guide to Australian Birds' by Michael Morcombe available to purchase from book shops or on-line.

Location - SE Queensland, Australia, Planet Earth.
This is a 'not for profit' channel, no copyright infringements intended.
This is a “Country Gentleman” production © 🙂


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