Midweek Magic Event! | Explorer

Описание к видео Midweek Magic Event! | Explorer

Today we play Explorer in this weeks event. I decide to play elves to finish a challenge. My first opponent is garet.jax, who is playing Mono Black. My second opponent is thoughtsneeze, who is playing a Selesnya Angel deck. My third opponent is Massive_Attack, who I concede to after leyline comes down. My fourth opponent is dragon31242, who is playing a Dimir Mill deck. And our winner of this weeks free win is DarkHandGYN!!!

Deck: https://archidekt.com/decks/10435975/...

Arena Grinding Guide:    • Arena Grinding Guide  

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Match 1: 3:00
Match 2: 4:05
Match 3: 8:15
Match 4: 9:05

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