[Eng Sub] Star Keyboard feat History 3 Trap cast (03052019)

Описание к видео [Eng Sub] Star Keyboard feat History 3 Trap cast (03052019)

明星鍵盤手直播 - HIStory 3 《圈套》演員
Star Keyboard feat History 3 Trap cast

(Turn on CC for missing subs!)

No copyright infringment intended.
Raw video belongs to ET today (BOBA Look! Live Broadcast)
Original video here:
   • HIStory3 圈套 徐鈞浩、吳承洋、卞慶華、陳廷軒|明星鍵盤手2019...  

MC/Group: White
Chris 吳承洋: Green
Jake 徐鈞浩: Blue
Andy 卞慶華: Orange
Kenny 陳廷軒: Purple

Some of my comments:
1) 1:27 AU means alternate universe
1) Let's give Andy some credit because poor dude who was SO SCARED of tickles actually had to endure 3mins of nonstop tickling... He is so brave haha
2) About Kenny and the libido part... Honestly I think he knew but he was just confused and trying to wriggle his way out of answering why he chose 'Yes'... but let's forgive the innocent pumpkin shall we haha
3) 2:53 I made a comment about 守株待兔 (shou zhu dai tu) which literally translates to "waiting by a tree for the rabbit to come" and it means sitting around idly and waiting for opportunities to come your way. I felt it was funny cos Zhaozi is a rabbit and Jack is just waiting around for him to come by.


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