[Shattered Skies & Aftermath] The end

Описание к видео [Shattered Skies & Aftermath] The end

Shattered Skies and Aftermath are without a single doubt the two games i had the best experience in so far.
I grew my channel around them and met a lot of nice people by playing them.

I've had several suggestions to make a 'goodbye' video for Shattered Skies.
At first I didn't plan on doing so. But as nostalgia slowly grew on me, i changed my mind and ended up making this. A goodbye to both shattered skies and Aftermath (reloaded).

The amazing song,
Seven Lions - Start Again (feat. Fiora)

(Music) Artist:

Seven Lions
  / seven-lions  
  / sevenlionsm.  .
   / sevenlio.  .
  / sevenlions  
  / sevenlionsmusic  

  / fioramusic  
  / fioramusic  
  / fioramusic  


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