Life and Struggles with Guillain -Barre Syndrome Since 2004

Описание к видео Life and Struggles with Guillain -Barre Syndrome Since 2004

In this video i am talking about what kind of day i had and also my life struggles with Guillain -Barre Syndrome went into the Hospital at 175Lbs came home 125 Lbs
The Thumbnail is of me from being in a wheelchair all started when i went to a dental School for work on my teeth I got an infection from what they done to my Gums . Then on Dec 18th 2004 I fell down the stairs I had a weakness
The railing fell off the wall . landing on my back on concrete Steps and hitting my head on the concrete wall. I was sent to the Hospital for a month as they could not do anything for me they sent me to the Rehab place until May 9th 2005 went home in a wheel Chair had lots of help . I knew i did not want to stay in a wheel chair for the rest of my life so i gave it all. worked hard got those Crotches that goes in the arms took my time so winter of 2005 I tried a cane until March 20th 2006 Gave the cane up . and walked very slow in 2004 i was 38 Yes 20 years ago I am now 58 hard to believe but that really took a toll on me and my Body and Mind . Being in a Wheel Chair for so long. So I always have respect for those who will never be out of a wheelchair
I still deal with pain if i lift anything heavy i will feel it the next day and i i had to much lbs on one side pain will effect the other side .
I just wanted people to know a little about what i went through and the struggles and knowing that other people are going through the same as i am
I will never be 100% .
So enjoy my video and getting to know a little bit more about my life and struggles with Guillain -Barre Syndrome know as GBS
Thank You for Watching
Your Jay


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