Accounts of the 49th Averland - 'Battle of Blue Reach Crossing' | Total Warhammer III Narrative

Описание к видео Accounts of the 49th Averland - 'Battle of Blue Reach Crossing' | Total Warhammer III Narrative

The order has been given.
The mortar battery, long held in reserve since Nurembach is firing once more; pummeling whatever undead can be sighted across the river.
The earth quakes under the thundering march of the combined forces of Averland, Reikland and Karak Hirn.
An all-or-nothing risk.
General Lansbern must take Blue Reach Crossing at all costs.
The longer he waits, the more the Night Marches will whittle down his forces, and the less support from abroad he will likely get.
Sacrifices must be made, ground must be taken, and this is the best chance he will likely ever get.

Due to recent injuries sustained, General Lansbern will not lead the charge of his men.
Much to his great dismay, but every single one of his advisors, and Helmsbrecht himself practically begged him not to attend, for fear this battle will be his last.
Not one to sit around however, General Lansbern will direct yet further reinforcements towards the frontlines, and personally take charge of Nurembach garrison whilst he recovers.

Scouting reports indicate yet another undead army from the Night Marches has been dispatched, likely in response to the arrival of Karak Hirn into the war.
Kuhl must be trembling in his coffin alright.
There is little that might scare a vampire more, than a Dwarfen Throng on the warpath.
And this Throng, has a War of Reckoning to settle with Lord Nyklaus Von Kuhl himself.

Begun, the Battle of Blue Reach Crossing has.


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