Feeling of fluid in Ears | Causes & Treatment Modality - Dr. Harihara Murthy | Doctors' Circle

Описание к видео Feeling of fluid in Ears | Causes & Treatment Modality - Dr. Harihara Murthy | Doctors' Circle

Dr. Harihara Murthy | Appointment booking no:9886026602
Consultant ENT Surgeon | Murthy Health and Research Center,Bangalore
Feeling of fluid in Ears is only a symptoms that is felt in a very discerning patient because the fluid is in a very small cavity of the ear and if the fluid is felt inside then it is something in very sensitive persons. But when there is otitis media or if there is extensive fluid levels because of a bad cold, there can be fluid levels inside the era. Infections in the ear because of pus in the ear can cause similar conditions. Very rarely there can be CSF leak can give rise to Feeling of fluid in Ear. These are the common symptoms and causes for Feeling of fluid in Ears. One has to identify what is the cause and there can be blood in the middle ear and cleft in the ear, very commonly felt in children. Children can present with otitis media with effusion because of which here can be fluid sensation in the ear and it is very critical to manage the cause and treating them effectively.


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