主日講道 | 新銳611靈糧堂 | 神所設計的婚姻 Loretta Cmo 2023 02 12

Описание к видео 主日講道 | 新銳611靈糧堂 | 神所設計的婚姻 Loretta Cmo 2023 02 12

主日講道 | 新銳611靈糧堂 |神所設計的婚姻 Marriage designed by God

講員:Loretta Cmo
一、 一男一女、一夫一妻、成為一體、一生一世(創Gen2:18)
One man and one woman, one husband and one wife, become one for a lifetime
A、 丈夫連合妻子(創Gen2:24-25;太Mat19:5-6)
The husband joins his wife
B、 丈夫戀慕妻子(創Gen3:16;歌Son7:10)
The husband’s desire is for his wife

二、 預表基督與教會關係(弗Eph5:31-33)
It signifies the relationship between Christ and the Church
1. 我們的夫妻關係都會經歷不同階段,要追求成長、不斷進步,為著所經歷的感恩,也為著現階段禱告。 There are different stages of our marriage, we have to persuade improvement and maturity. Give thanks to the Lord and pray for the same.
2. 神用「丈夫與太太」的關係來預表「基督與教會」的關係,基督用捨己的愛、聖潔的愛專一地愛教會(我們)、一直黏住環繞教會(我們),我們應怎樣回應呢? God use the relationship of husband and wife to illustrate the relationship of Christ and the church, and the Lord loved us with unfailing, Holy and steadfast love, how should we react to such love?


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