God Hand - Ultimate Madness KMS 28 Whip It!

Описание к видео God Hand - Ultimate Madness KMS 28 Whip It!

including Shannon’s Pet and "Whip It!". not a fan of mad midget five so I cut it out. stage 6-6 is extremely rough for KMS run, u have to fight 3 groups of enemies in 3 different sections. if necessary, I suggest using the weapons.
granny smacker can break guard, yes that's true.
there were 2 demons spawned during the video, both human tape. to predict blade demon, forearm smash is much convenient than palm smash, I don't recommend side kick or charge punch to do that prediction although u can choose to do it. on the contrary, side kick and charge punch behaving quite well on predicting purple demon. I will explain why when I have time.


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