
Описание к видео 喻言的粉絲,是怎麼在知道她的那些黑料後,繼續粉她的?真的是我見過最笨的粉絲團了。【閏土別渣我】

這幾年娛樂圈裏掀起了一股選秀風,各種男團女團層出不窮,也湧現出不少新人,但是愛豆們的質量也是參差不齊,就拿女團THE9來說,部分網友調侃她們是“汰團”,原因是團成員又水“太妹”還多。尤其是喻言 渾身都是黑料,竟然還能成團出道,節目組找人都不審核嗎,更離譜的是 即使這樣,喻言依然還有粉絲喜歡,真是離了個大譜。這究竟是為什麽呢?接下來 就和小編一起去看看吧
In the past few years, there has been a lot of drafting in the entertainment industry. Various men's and women's groups have emerged one after another, and many newcomers have emerged, but the quality of idols is also uneven. Take the women's group THE9 as an example, some netizens ridiculed them. It is a "Taiwan" because there are more members of the group and "Taimei". In particular, Yu Yan is full of black material, and he can make his debut in a group. Does the show team do not review it? What is even more outrageous is that even so, Yu Yan still has fans like it. Why is this? Next, let's go check it out with the editor
How did Yu Yan's fans continue to follow her after knowing her black material? It's really the dumbest fan club I have ever seen.


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