Help Potatoes growing Funny Potato Disease Leafroll virus Skinny Stunted cup leaves Scab Leaf curl

Описание к видео Help Potatoes growing Funny Potato Disease Leafroll virus Skinny Stunted cup leaves Scab Leaf curl

Help Potatoes growing Funny Potato Disease Leafroll virus Skinny Stunted cupped leaves Scab Leaf curl
I have some potatoes that are coming up with deformed leaves. Some are skinny and have little there, others are mega cupped and aren't opening. Some have weird shaped leaves. I have some growing in composted grass and some in the garden. The compost grass pile made some huge potatoes last season. I planted about 150 potato plants and saved some potatoes for replanting. 4 years ago I bought some certified seed, then I bought some from the local greenhouse which probably weren't certified and a friend gave me some. I have been storing them in my crawl space and last year I noticed when I pulled them up that they were infested with aphids. I planted them and they seemed fine. This year again they had aphids and i have a bunch of funky plants coming up. I'm thinking they were the aphids spreading disease, but wasn't sure because I was not able to find any pictures that looked like these. Please post and let me know if you have any idea. It will help me and who ever else has the same issues. Thanks


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