【養和快問快答】打破減肥迷思 Debunking Weight Loss Myths - 余思行營養師 (養和醫院高級營養師)

Описание к видео 【養和快問快答】打破減肥迷思 Debunking Weight Loss Myths - 余思行營養師 (養和醫院高級營養師)

坊間的 #減肥 方法層出不窮,流行的戒澱粉、 #斷食減肥 、 #生酮飲食 效果如何?對身體又存在甚麼影響?#余思行 高級營養師為大家破解常見的減肥迷思,講解健康有效的體重管理方法。

Chances are you’ve heard a lot of information about ways to lose weight. Are weight loss fads like limiting carbs, intermittent fasting and keto diet effective? What may happen to our bodies? Ms. Flavia U, Senior Dietitian will debunk the common myths about weight loss and discuss the strategies to lose weight healthily.

0:00 打破減肥迷思Debunking Weight Loss Myths
0:10 減肥就不可以吃粉麵飯?Should I avoid noodles and rice to lose weight?
0:42 據說斷食減肥很有效,是真的嗎?Is intermittent fasting effective?
2:02 生酮飲食可以飽肚減肥?The ketogenic diet: can you lose weight while feeling full?
3:57 減肥期間有甚麼水果不能吃?又甚麼時候吃水果最適合?What fruits should I avoid or eat to lose weight? When to eat fruits?
5:44 明明早前減肥還很有效,怎麼突然停滯不前?甚麼時候會進入「平台期」?如何突破?I have stopped losing weight after making some progress. Have I reached the weight loss plateau? How can I break it?

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