廣州本地人教你!!旅遊景區如何尋找美食?白切雞48元!粵菜餐廳人均40元!貼地生活!本地傳統市場!老城區!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!永慶坊!酒店最新價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州本地人教你!!旅遊景區如何尋找美食?白切雞48元!粵菜餐廳人均40元!貼地生活!本地傳統市場!老城區!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!永慶坊!酒店最新價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #粵菜 #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/LLmvskjaai2pD...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/ad/mJYK
餐厅消费:白切雞上裝 ¥48.80,紅蔥頭焗排骨 ¥48,酸辣土豆絲 ¥28



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在1929年至1930年把寶慶新街、多寶大街擴建後馬路,取名為多寶路。 其「多寶」的由來是安徽巡撫陳華熙為清朝太子少保,他在該地建樓宇,眾人公推他為該地起名,定名為「多寶」。 1966年將其西邊的時敏路和如意坊東併入該路。 文化大革命期間,多寶路曾被命名為“新風路”,1982年復名。
根據《中國致公黨廣東省委員會發展史》記載,中國致公黨1925年10月在美國舊金山成立,後來活動中心從舊金山移到香港,1949年底,致公黨總部從香港遷至廣州,最後 尋址多寶路24至26號(後編為多寶路221號、223號)。 直至1953年7月,總部才正式遷往北京,此地則成為華南總支部辦公地點。 “這是8個民主黨派,唯一在廣州設過中央總部之地,有著重要的歷史意義”,致公黨廣東省委員會宣傳處負責人吳熾榮曾表示。 可惜作為辦公地主體的223號,因興建地鐵於1996年被整體拆除。
廣州醫科大學附設第三醫院前身為1899年12月12日美國基督教長老會創辦的廣東女醫學堂及所屬贈醫所(道濟醫院),後來改名為夏葛醫學院附屬柔濟醫院(英語:Hackett Medical Center)。 中華人民共和國成立初期稱為私立柔濟醫院,1994年,該院被評為三級甲等醫院,2006年1月更名為廣州醫學院附屬第三醫院,2013年廣州醫學院更名為廣州醫科大學 後改現稱至今。
1931年,培英中學劉繼祖校長在西關多寶路購地二畝半自建分校舍(即為1965年後廣州市第二十九中學的校舍),增設國中二、三年級及小學一、二 年級,至1935年更增設幼稚園。 1936年,培英西分擴充至後面相隔一巷的逢源中約新校舍(該校舍即為在1976年從二十九中學析出的廣州市第九十中學的部分校舍)。
From 1929 to 1930, Baoqing New Street and Duobao Street were expanded into roads and named Duobao Road. The origin of "Duobao" is that Chen Huaxi, the governor of Anhui, built a building there for the Qing Dynasty Prince Shaobao. Everyone recommended him to name the place "Duobao". In 1966, Shimin Road and Ruyifang East to the west were merged into the road. During the Cultural Revolution, Duobao Road was named "Xinfeng Road" and was renamed in 1982.
According to the "History of the Development of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the China Zhi Gong Party", the China Zhi Gong Party was established in San Francisco in October 1925. Later, the activity center moved from San Francisco to Hong Kong. At the end of 1949, the headquarters of the China Zhi Gong Party moved from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. The address is No. 24-26 Duobao Road (later designated as No. 221 and 223 Duobao Road). It was not until July 1953 that the headquarters was officially moved to Beijing, and this place became the office of the South China Branch. "This is the only place among the eight democratic parties that has set up its central headquarters in Guangzhou, which has important historical significance," Wu Chirong, head of the Propaganda Office of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Zhi Gong Party, once said. Unfortunately, No. 223, which was the main office space, was completely demolished in 1996 due to the construction of the subway.
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University was formerly known as the Guangdong Women’s Medical Hall and its affiliated donation hospital (Daoji Hospital) founded by the American Presbyterian Church on December 12, 1899. It was later renamed the Hackett Hospital Affiliated to Hackett Medical College. Medical Center). In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was called Private Rouji Hospital. In 1994, the hospital was rated as a third-class hospital. In January 2006, it was renamed the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College. In 2013, Guangzhou Medical College was renamed Guangzhou Medical University. Later it was renamed today.
Xiguan Peiying Middle School (formerly named Guangzhou No. 29 Middle School) is located at No. 67 Duobao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou, China.
In 1931, Principal Liu Jizu of Peiying Middle School purchased two and a half acres of land on Duobao Road, Xiguan, and built his own branch campus (which was the campus of Guangzhou No. 29 Middle School after 1965), adding second and third grades of junior high school and first and second grades of elementary school. grade, and in 1935 a kindergarten was added. In 1936, Peiying West Branch expanded to the new Fengyuan Zhongyue school building one lane behind (this school building is part of the Guangzhou No. 90 Middle School, which was separated from the No. 29 Middle School in 1976).

00:00 Intro
00:51 如義坊地鐵站/黃沙大道/多寶路
07:50 廣醫三院(柔濟醫院)/西關培英中學(第二十九中學)/新聯腸粉店
13:43 酒店最新價格/逢源路市場買菜/附近美食推薦
23:14 湛江鄉下雞/讀餐牌時間/白切雞/紅蔥頭焗排骨/酸辣土豆絲
31:57 夜遊永慶坊/粵劇博物館開放時間/雙皮奶攻略
43:40 恩寧路/尋找觀眾曾經居住的地方
46:32 Ending
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