240819♥️Career VS Family: A Tough Decision ♥️

Описание к видео 240819♥️Career VS Family: A Tough Decision ♥️

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♥️Career VS Family: A Tough Decision ♥️

♡ 핵심 표현
by the end of the week : 주말까지
》by the weekend 는 '토요일이나 일요일까지'를 의미하지만,
by the end of the week 는 일반적으로 '금요일까지'를 의미함 (*근무하는 날의 끝)
※ by the end of 명사 : ~의 말까지 - 23.06.22 핵심표현
I will let you know by the end of the week.
Please RSVP by the end of the week.
I might be able to finish that by the end of the week.
※ RSVP + by 시기 : ~까지 참석 여부를 알려 주세요 - 23.09.07 주요표현

♡ 핵심 단어
relocate 이전하다
office 사무실
starting ~를 시작으로
crucial 중대한, 결정적인 ( important 보다 강력한 느낌 )
expansion 확장, 확대
besides 그것도 그렇고, 그 외에도
promotion 승진
still 여전히, 그래도

♡ 주요 표현
1. I'm afraid + 평서문. : 유감스럽지만, ~입니다. - ※ 23.11.03 주요표현
》좋은 얘기가 아니라 말하기 두렵다(aftaid)는 뜻
( * I'm sorry but 과 비슷한 의미 )
I'm afraid he doesn't work here anymore.
I'm afraid she is not available right now.

2. 명사 comes first. : ~가 가장 중요합니다. ※20.03.10 핵심표현
》최우선 순위에 와 있다는 말임
Your health comes first.
Honesty always comes first.

3. weigh up options : 옵션을 따져 보다
》곰곰이 숙고하여 결정한다는 의미
( * up은 생략 가능함 )
Weigh up some options before you jump into the business.
It's important to weigh up all available options.
※ jump + into 명사 : ~에 뛰어들다 - 21.05.18 주요표현

♡ 어순 영작
I need you to relocate to the LA office starting October.
※ need 목적어 to 동사원형 : (목적어)가 (동사원형)해 줘야 한다 - 21.08.10 주요표현

I'm afraid I can't do that, ma'am. I want to stay close to my family.
( stay close 가까이 있다 )

It's crucial for the company's expansion. Besides, didn't you want a promotion?
( company 회사 )
※ Besides, - 24.07.09 주요표현

Still, my family comes first.

Weigh up some options and let me know by the end of the week.
( let me know 알려 줘 )

☆ 이런! 느낌
My boss told me to send him something by the end of the week, but I don't remember what it was.


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